The More Efficient You Are,
The More Profitable You Can Be!

The KBWorld Quattro™ Invoicing module is all about making your business process more efficient and increasing performance

It can easily create invoices directly from contracts or the creation of standalone invoices for ad-hoc billing - which ultimately contributes to profitability. And to make life even simpler, this module creates the batch to upload to finance.

KBWorld Quattro™ tracks all critical business information, including schedules, expenses, budgets, production orders, proof of performance, campaigns, billing structures, invoice reconciliation, sales commissions, and much more.

Invoices are automatically generated via Contract information and Customer Account details, including specific invoice terms for Customer Types or individuals.

Everything in one place, everything linked to one contract, everything managed and accountable. Link that to Payments and Maintenance costs and you get an even greater opportunity for profitability and greater performance capabilities:


  • Access central sales data real time across the whole business
  • Maintain client and agency information, including individual invoicing terms
  • Central control of Agency Commissions
  • Maintain Contracts and automatic billing created via Client and Agency information
  • Invoicing Terms
  • Raise multiple invoices per campaign
  • Automatic invoice generation
  • Automatic credit generation
  • Manual invoice and credits
  • Credit Approval
  • Customized Invoice Layouts
  • Print invoices with ease
  • Reprint invoice and credits
  • Invoice and Credit reconciliation
  • Flexible invoice periods, including non-standard billing periods
  • Pre and Post Invoice Validation
  • Track and report on sales commission
  • Integration to accounting systems either batch orientated or dynamic back-end communication between systems

Invoicing Details